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New AI App for a Happier Cat

INTERNATIONAL: Anyone who loves cats will tell you that they’re notoriously difficult to read. Even the experienced cat-owner won’t always know exactly how their pet is feeling, but a new app, using artificial intelligence, is changing that.

“Tably” is using the 'Feline Grimace Scale' or FGS, to let owners know exactly what’s going on in their cat’s head. FGS is a scientific pain assessment tool for cats that studies their ear position, eye movement, muzzle tension, whisker change and head position. The app’s Calgary-based developers Syvlester.ai have now integrated that technology with artificial intelligence, to give owners a real insight into whether or not their feline friend is happy.

While the app has been welcomed by cat lovers around the world, cat welfare experts say body language and behavioural changes also need to be monitored, to keep your cat in “purr-fect” health.

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